dimanche 24 juillet 2011

Facebook vs. The World

The first Facebook Layout - Facebook
The first Facebook Layout - Facebook
Facebook now has over 750 million users. It might be time to do some house cleaning.

With the sudden influx of people clamoring for Google+ invites many have asked the question - is Facebook still relevant? The simple answer is yes. The long answer is yes if ...

Here I will attempt to address the if's and look at what Google+ means to the site of blue and white.

IF Facebook Controls Promotion

I am a promoter by trade and even I am annoyed with the number of event invites and shameless promotions which have a strangle hold on my newsfeed. Facebook has fallen very far behind in regulating this side of their business.

The most obvious problem is that anyone can be a promoter so Promotions as an industry is unregulated and that means no rules. The site has danced around this issue but it has not addressed it.
The first order of business is to classify promoters and understand what they are using the site for. The top tools are events, pages, contesting through messaging and photos. That said with the universal privacy controls in place Facebook could think a bit smaller and put promotions controls in place.

Step one in this process would be to use the Friends lists feature more effectively. If all those that are looking to promote were forced to use Friends Lists then there would be a decrease in what users feel to be spam across the board. A Promotions friends list which users can see they've been added to would effectively eliminate spam.

Step two would be to administer the Events application properly. I can't even count the number of times that the process for invites has changed. Come up with a system and stick to it. Make it so that the Promotions list is one click inviting. Most of all, if you're going to get business to switch over to Pages, allow businesses to invite their fans to events. The latter is quite possibly the most annoying feature lacking on Facebook.

Jul 23, 2011
Jamie Hall

Read more at Suite101: Facebook vs. The World | Suite101.com http://www.suite101.com/content/facebook-vs-the-world-a381147#ixzz1T06iwaSZ

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