dimanche 21 août 2011

Quantum entanglement could mean completely secure data transfer

By tapping into Albert Einstein's idea of "spooky action at a distance," researchers at the University of Copenhagen's Niels Bohr Institute have discovered what might be the key to completely secure data transfer -- keeping particles "entangled" for up to an hour. Until now, the link between two entangled systems could only be maintained for a fraction of a second. This development could enable a direct link between two systems of communication -- you do something to one and the other will "know." Although limited to the lab right now, scientists are working on practical applications for networking and the internets. Hey, SSH maybe it's time you started watching your back. Check out the full PR after the break.

[Thanks Nan] 

Science Daily

Niels Bohr Institute

By Lydia Leavitt posted Aug 21st 2011 5:28AM

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